my uncle is in prison and I won't visit

I won't do it. I've done it a couple times. He's in a prison where sick prisoners go, it's like the lowest security you can be in because everyone's sickly I guess and can't do shit if they wanted to. He's in there because he had cancer, he doesn't anymore and is remission. So visitation is a big room filled with inmates and their visitors and sick or not id rather not be in a room with 100 whatever the fuck they are, pedophiles, murderers. One particular visit 
He told us that the man next to us had.. im just not going to say that here. Point blank  super fucking awful and horrible, he should be burning for eternity in hell. I couldn't stop looking at him. I was 2 feet away from what I consider the shit stains on the underwear of the universe. He needs to be put down. 
I do not want to be around those people. So I won't go. 
He's in prison because he was doing and selling meth and beat up a guy who came in with a gun. Beat the shit out of him and when the guy tried to run away he dragged his ass back into the house and beat him to the brink of death. Him dragging him back inside counted as kidnapping.  He got 17 years for it. I feel like if you choose that kind of life and go down for it nobody is obligated to drive 2 hours away to spend 2 hours in a room filled with shit stains. 🤷‍♀️ My family is pissed off at me, even though it's been years. "That's your family! You need to go see him. You're making him feel like you don't care about him" well damnit maybe he shouldnt have almost killed a crack head.