I think I'm gaining too much

Today I am 17 weeks pregnant I started off 123 pounds was very nauseous in first tri lost 6 pounds was 117 back in feb/march
My last dr was April 13 he told me I gained 10 pounds from last visit I was 133 I didn't know why and today I weighed myself I am 138 at 17 weeks pregnant I don't eat a lot I mean I eat all day so I don't get nauseous but I eat small portions the only explanation I can think of is I drink a lot of coke it's the only thing that doesn't make me vomit I can't even look at water I've tried everything even club soda coke is the only thing that takes the bad taste out of my mouth plus I am taking zofran once a day which makes me very constipated I only go once or maybe every other day and it's a very little bit could that be it also ? My next  dr appointment is the 22nd I am going to talk to him about it and try my best to cut back on the soda but did any of you go through this gain so much weight every month