PLease tell me I still have Hope

Hey y'all. I am posting a pic of my glow calendar from April and May. On Friday the 27th I had what looked like implantation spotting. I have had lower back pain, some mild cramps, hot flashes, and I just feel warm to the touch, almost like a low grade fever. My basal temp has been 98.2-98.4 since last Friday and I ave taken so many pee tests its not even funny. I suffer from infertility and my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 4 years. We were successful last year but lost our baby to miscarriage. AF is supposed to visit Saturday but I'm praying she doesn't show her ugly face. I even took a early detection test today and still BFN. Is there a chance I am pregnant and I'm just testing too soon? Any help is appreciated.