how far along we're you when you discovered you were having twins??

Crazy question but one I've always been curious about! I have 2 girls and with each of them, at the first ultrasound I always joke and say "just one in there right??" And we all have a giggle. But this time I went in and I was earlier than I expected (just shy of 5 weeks) and when I made my usual the joke the tech just said "it's too early to tell!" So now I'm like 😳😳😳 haha so how many weeks were you before you found out you were for sure having twins?! And I wonder if identical twins take longer than fraternal to detect because they are in the same space?? 
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Posted at
I went in at 4 weeks and they thought it was one, went in 2 weeks later and found out at 6 weeks that it was twins. (Picture with red circles is 6 weeks, other picture is 8 weeks) And, they're identical twins. 1 placenta, 2 sacs.


Am β€’ May 3, 2017
Well if it helps, identical twins are 100% chance, even if they run in a family... They are not genetic, every healthy couple had a chance for identical twins lol. Where as fraternal twins ARE genetic and they are a LOT easier to discover on an ultrasound because they have 2 placentas and two sacs so, they can't hide behind one another.


Rachel β€’ May 3, 2017
That's what my tech said! That's why I'm like 😳😳 haha I have twins on my side and my husband is a twin so we always felt it possible that we could be having them. And since my symptoms seem a bit more intense this time around I'm getting nervous haha


Am β€’ May 3, 2017
Also, I am in an identical twin group and the finding of the 2nd baby ranged from 6 weeks to 22 weeks. Identicals are hard because they can hide so close together ultrasound can miss them.


Posted at
6 weeks. Did IUI so they wanted to make sure it wasn't multiples πŸ˜‚ sure enough--- two clear sacs and two strong heartbeats! 


Rachel β€’ May 3, 2017


Posted at
6 weeks and 4 days with triplets. Very clear picture of three little squiggles in there 😳😳😳


Rachel β€’ May 4, 2017
Omgsh congrats! That's incredible!!


Halle :) β€’ May 4, 2017
Pretty good nowadays! Just heavy at this point haha. The first trimester was terrible but after that I really can't complain!


Naomi β€’ May 4, 2017
Oh my god! 3!!! How do you feel??


Posted at
8 weeks..just found out today! They don't run in my family and we weren't taking any fertility medication or anything! 


Rachel β€’ May 3, 2017
Congratulations!! How exciting!


Posted at
Six weeks. There's nothing to see it five weeks except maybe a sack so that's why she said that :-)


Rachel β€’ May 3, 2017
Yea it just looked like a little tadpole lol just a little speck! We were so much earlier than we anticipated but we heard at least one small heartbeat


Posted at
By 8 weeks an ultrasound will be able to clearly show one or multiple. Here's my singleton (one baby), at 6 weeks and another one at 8 weeks. U can clearly see there's only one baby there


Rachel β€’ May 3, 2017
So cute :) congrats!! My next ultrasound isn't until close to 10 weeks so will will 100% know!