My baby girl ended up in hospital 😢😢


On Friday night everything seemed so normal i feed my daughter ( 7 weeks old) her night time feed and she went to sleep! But for some reason i couldn't sleep and i was constantly checking on bub, i must have sensed something was not right! She woke up as normal had a feed and went back to sleep, after she woke up i got her dressed and she had another feed, after her feed she was constantly grunting with every breath, i new something was not right. She feel back asleep and slept for over 4 hours which is very unlike her she is usually awake for most of the day and she was grunting still while asleep. When she woke up she was not alert and her eyes were glazed and would not follow any movement and was not wanting to feed (breastfeed baby) she was not herself, I immediately went to hubby who was doing some home rennos for a mate (i was at the same house) when i handed bub over to hubby and told him everything he tried to get bub to focus but no response, we rushed her to the car and hubby sat in the back to keep an eye on her and we rushed to emergency. I was so nervous i could hardly talk and i felt like i was about to cry every time the doctor asked a question (i felt like i was overreacting) i explained everything to the doctor of that day and what i thought was not right.

Bubs heart rate was at 225 and had a temp of 38.5 we immediately got taken to a bed and i tired to breast feed while they attempted to get blood drawn for testing. Her veins are soo small they made soo many attempts my poor baby girl was hysterical of all the poking and prodding, i was hysterical trying to get her to feed but she was crying soo much it was not happening. The doctors had no choice but to drill into her bone marrow in her leg to get a temporary drip in to start fluids and antibiotics, this was the most terrifying experience and made my heart break to see my baby girl in soo much pain. Once the drip got going she started to come too and look alot better. I held my girl soo tight i felt like i was going to loose her, hubby was in tears trying to be strong and hold me. They gave both of us a short break before getting the pediatrician in to attempt to get a vein for the drip as the leg one was only temporary and we had no back up if something went wrong, still the pediatrician couldn't get a vein and my baby girl was hysterical again, they eventually stopped trying, poo and we samples were taken. We were admitted and taken to the children's ward , my girl was not feeding from my breast but was getting fluids from the drip. Within a few hours her temp dropped and her observation results were good and she had stopped grunting, my baby girl was exhausted and finally got to sleep.

The following day the pediatricians came in to check everything and explained that it could be a viral or bacterial infection but have to wait for the result, they were happy with her quick recovery since we arrived in emergency, they explained they will need to attempt again to get a vein for a cannula for her drip and if they don't succeed they will have to give my baby girl a needle of antibiotics, they waited till that afternoon to try again to let us all have a break as this had been soo traumatic for all of us and we were all exhausted. During that day i noticed my baby girls leg that had the temp drip had started to swell up really bad and my girl was soo unsettled and in severe pain and wouldn't settle, i called the nurse and she took one look and said she will call the pediatrician in to look at it but it looks like it will have to be removed. Minutes later they arrived and took her to another room and removed the drip they advised the needle in her bone had dislodged and the drip fluid was building up under her skin this is why her leg became soo swollen.

I was soo scared as they couldn't get a drip in and that was removed from her leg she was no longer on fluids and she was not feeding properly yet, they decided to give her a needle of antibiotics and just observe for the next 24 hrs to see how she feeds.

That night my girl slept for her usual 7 hours and she was looking soo much better she latched to the breast and had a good feed, things were looking up and i felt like we had our baby girl back, she was starting to smile and she no longer had that dazed look anymore.

We got another needle of antibiotics that night and again she slept for 8 hours we started to feel relief, pediatricians arrived and advised the results had not come back but is happy with how she looks and think it was a viral infection and was happy to discharge us with a follow up appt.

We were soo happy this horrible experience was over and our baby girl was back to herself again, i would rather go through labour again than go through that again.

We don't know where she could have got the infection as it could have been airborne but i do know that i will always stay away from my friends kids if they have any signs of being sick as we had friends over 4 days prior to our girl getting sick.

We have been home now for 2 days and my baby girl is doing great, feeding well and all smiles, we still haven't had any update on the results but will call the hospital to find out.

Just added a few pictures of our baby girl.