Worth a trip to the doctors?

Laura • Ethan Ashley born 20th September 2015 at 12.08am weighing 8lb 👶🏼
Ive already posted this on another group but i've been in this one alot longer... Last year i moved in with my partners parents house with our son. Ever since then i've been living in a bedroom with my son and I mainly play playstation or watch tv all day i will go out the odd day of the week if i need anything or to vist my family. Since living here i feel like we're in the way so I stay upstairs all day and only come down for food/dinner. The house is always kept tidy and i feel like its annoying to his parents when my son sticks his finger prints all over the glass doors she cleaned 2 hours ago. About 5 months ago I started to feel like i couldnt catch my breath I would breathe in deep as I can could and feel like nothing was happening, even writing this now i'm trying to take in a deep breath. I havent spoken to anyone about it but i dont want to waste the doctors time when I could have anxiety which I 100% I dont as ive heard of peoples examples of anxiety and im not still not sure really of the undertstanding. Some days i wake up in the room and i just wanna scream. My childs cry and screaming gets in my head and all i want to do it cry. Ive never felt like this before everyone in the family thinks im so happy but really inside im not.