and now we wait...

Emily • 30 year old momma trying for number three. Hubs is 36, had vasectomy reversal September 2016.
From period to ovulation took almost exactly four weeks...yes my cycle is really that long! My hubs and I have been trying for baby for eight cycles since his vasectomy reversal. That equals to I don't know how many months. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But here we are just hit "high" on the advanced ovulation kit two days in a row and now "Peak". We DTD three days in a row (just to make sure 😉) and now the oh so dreaded waiting game. *cue ominous music 🎶* I did it all ladies, I am on a fertility diet, I am getting acupuncture on a weekly basis, they ran all the tests, shoved that awesome wand up my hooty, took practically all my blood 💉, preseed, prenatal, DHA, hundreds upon hundreds of dollars in opks, meetings with fertility doctors. Even the dreaded "were pregnant! Oh damn we lost it." Heartbreaking scenario that happens to us yearning one day mommies. And now we wait. Again. 
Love for all of you, you are all wonderful, and beautiful and the fact that each one of us is willing to give up our bodies and change our lives to a tiny human is magical and amazing.