
Its been a rough battle. I left Massachusetts in January with plans on going back. My last prenatal appointment was December 26 and my last ultrasound was December 22. My fiance and I went went back to my home state of Pennsylvania and we made up our minds to stay for good in March. While we were in Philadelphia we tried our hardest to get prenatal care but kept getting turned down. Whenever we had a concern or anything we couldn't turn to a midwife or anyone we had to go to the emergency room every time it became annoying and frustrating. Finally in April I was accepted into Helen O Dickins center. I was over come with joy because that was the care facility I always wanted and I was 28 weeks and have had no prenatal care sine Dec 26. I've was put on the high risk team due to my history and lack of prenatal care but I didn't care cause I was finally getting care I was so happy. Well today I had my first ultrasound since Dec 22 and I wanted to cry so much. The guilt and concern I carried around everyday bot knowing if I was taking care of my baby properly or how my baby was developing was finally lifted off my shoulders. Today we seen our little rainbow and he or she is healthy and we couldn't ask for more. Thank you hospital of the university of Pennsylvania