My taquitos look like ass. Seeking tortilla tips!

Lilael • 23 | Sociology Graduate | Leo
So I make Taquitos with corn tortillas baked in the oven but they split all the time. Some after placing them on the sheet, some flat out in the oven (that I know show signs of splitting). 
I try to microwave them with wet paper towels to prep them for the bending, but it still happens with some or most of the taquitos. Few look like the beautiful taquitos I want them to be. Maybe I'm overstuffing them. 
Are there any tortilla tips? Honestly I'm trying to replicate the chicken 7-11 taquitos but I don't want to fry them (I'm assuming baking is healthier). 🙈 
This is my second ever attempt (and I admit I was rushing). I see 0 perfect/acceptable taquitos here. Last time I had at least 8. 😩