human pacifier

Sorry for a bit of a repeat BUT
How can I get my baby to stop seeing me as a human pacifier at night? When my LO was about two weeks old, my parents and I all got sick. Kalliope felt under the weather too and started sleeping with me. Please no comments on how co sleeping is bad. She has been sleeping with me ever since and it is super easy to nurse her on my side or even sitting up and then going right back to sleep. But recently she seems, at night, to have to be nursing or at least half assed sucking to fall asleep. I'm waiting for her to be older before forcing her to self soothe. I worry this is a habit we're going to have a really hard time breaking. I understand it's comfort for her but really she isn't eating when I try to unlatch her so we can sleep. And the moment I do she freaks out until I shove my boob back in her mouth. And she won't take an actual pacifier at night.