My Super Power is Smell

So I don't know if I'm alone out there but up to a week before I get my period my sense of smell is crazy strong. 
I'm like a bloodhound (so to speak). I can't even go to the gym because I can literally smell sweaty balls. 
I walked past a construction site the other day and I could smell dick. Sweaty, with a bit of dried cum. Sorry for the overshare but I need you to understand how distressing this can be for me. I can even smell if someone has a rotten tooth in their head. 
It's not all bad, though. It goes both ways. A girl walks past 5 metres away and I can pick the perfume she is wearing. I can guess what the bakery is making and my day is made when I smell flowers from across the street.
However, right now I am suffocating while my boyfriend munches on tuna and sauerkraut.
Does this happen to anyone else?!?!I