VENTING...... this shit is real

Ok I'm gonna sound like a bitch just cause I'm going crazy now! I've been fucking testing and all my tests are coming back faint. They have not gone darker whatsoever. I had told the NP that I've tested positive with home pt so she said to get a blood test it's been ordered for you. So my fucking ass went to kaiser lab yesterday thinking I'm getting tested for my hcg level or my beta. But guess the fuck what?!! All I got tested with was all pre diabetic shit insulin shit! I'm so pissed off! Wtf is that??? I got my result today and I was so scared to even open it up online; but I did and that was all the result. OMGOSH I'm literally going out of my mind right now because I had 2 mc in the past already and I would like to know right away if my beta is ok or I'm even pregnant. Uggghhhh this is sooooo fucking BS!ย 
Sorry guys just need to let this steam out I'm hella mad/pissed/dissapointed/annoyed ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”ฅ