I want a girl

🐵🦉🦖🦊 • SAHM 🧒JEC 5/12/11 🧒CIC 3/20/14 🧒IJC 3/25/16 👼JRC 9/7/17 - 5/31/18
So I'm pregnant with my 4th boy. Im happy and it's great. My baby is healthy and all the scary things my dr was very concerned about ended up being fine too. I was laughing and just giddy at the anatomy scan. I couldn't stop smiling and I left the office with energy I haven't felt in a while. I'm still totally fine. People keep asking how I'm doing and feeling about another boy. Of course I want a girl but it's ok. It's a boy and I'm still having a sweet baby. I found out today my cousin is having a girl. It makes me want to hear that for myself. Not with this baby but someday. I just don't know if I want to have a 5th baby. Also there's, of course, no guarantee we'd have a girl. I just can't let it go though. I can't get the picture of having a girl out of my head. Im sure this is all totally normal to feel this way but I don't want to feel like I'd be losing something if I never had a girl. Yes I'm blessed with 4 boys I feel it 100%. It doesn't take away from my desire to have a girl one day. Idk I guess I just needed to get it out