it's gonna be a day!

Y'all ever have these days where you are just completely internally freaking out?! Yep that's me today! Like this weekend was pretty great! I got some nesty things done and what not and I have been in a great mood all weekend. I've been doing everything I can to induce labor and I've been extremely excited about it as well but omg for some reason today I am internally freaking out! I woke up around 3 am and ever since then I have been freaking out! So much to do such little time! I have 2 weeks until my early induction unless I go on my own! I Just turned 37 weeks today as well. Idk I'm just so worried about everything, getting everything done, money, my other kids, being able to take care of a third kid, labor/delivery; I can feel the grays a growing from all this stress 😰. And I have this feeling I'm going to go before my induction date which is great but also not great because that limits time. Reason I think I'll go early is because of the changes I've noticed last past week. I've had a change in where baby sits , she's dropped, my bowels have changed, my appetite is no longer existent and I can barely eat, lack of sleep, peeing more than ever, change in discharge, nesting, tired, more Braxton hicks, and my boobs leak a little.  Part of me wishes i still had a few months then the other part of me is like no I'm ready for her now. I know everything will come together when she gets here I just wish I didn't have to stress so much before hand.