is this rape? no?

This is kind of long! Just a warning lol okay. So let me start by saying I love my fiancé more than anything. We get along so well, he's my best friend. However i had our son 5 months ago. During the whole pregnancy and the first 2 months after birth he wanted sex all the time. Like ALL the time but I couldn't because it was painful for me at the time. Okay, that was fine. Now, I want sex all the time. But he doesn't seem interested in it at all anymore. Idk what happened. It's like a switch he just turned off, which makes me incredibly sad at times because I feel like he isn't attracted to me anymore. The only time he initiates it is after he goes out and has a few drinks. So clearly it takes some alcohol for him to try anything. And even then, it's me doing all the work. So, he's into anal. And I've done it a few times but usually I need to have had a few drinks to loosen my up before I do that, whatever. 
But The other night, he got home from being out with his friends. (He had a few drinks ofcourse) and so he started to make some moves. Which I'm totally fine with because like I said, I love having Sex with him. But as we're going he starts to say how he wants to do anal. And so I say no because I just don't feel like it, plus it hurts! lol I wasn't in the mood to attempt it. So I said no. And so he asked again and again and again and I said no every time. At this point we're still having normal sex with me on top. And so he starts to hold me tightly, and moves his junk to the back door. I say no again but he did it anyways. It didn't hurt so much, but I was quietly crying the whole time because he went against what I said and I never thought he'd do something like that. I just let it happen and then went to bed. I just didn't know what to think. We haven't talked about it since it happened but I've been wondering what other people would say about what happened. It's been about a month since it happened but I still think about it. He's my best friend. He's amazing, and the nicest guy you'd ever meet. I'm just confused