Joint Bank Account

I finally got a new job and my fiancé wants to get a joint bank account. Says we can practice for when we get married. Thing is... I've never been a fan of the idea of a joint account. I don't think he's financially responsible and I would hate for all of our money to be in one place and all be spent at once. That and it makes me feel more independent and I don't want to feel like he's watching everything I do and I don't want to have to run every little thing by him. I plan on saving for a few different things... emergency fun, my future tattoos, our vacation in July. He says it's unfair that I have access to his account but he can't have access to mine. Yes I use his card when I need to buy us groceries or pay rent. I've rarely used it to buy anything for onlyyself and when I have I have asked because he is the one making the money. I wasn't going to keep his card once I started getting paid. I was going to pay certain bills. Electricity, water, food. I don't make as much as him and I feel he should pay the rent. We would still each be responsible for certain bills. He feels like I'm wanting to hide something by having my own account. I don't want to hide anything but if I feel like spending $10 at tjmaxx on a whim when I know I have the money to I don't want to be questioned about it. Or asked why I didn't run it by him. Again not wanting to run every little thing by him before I buy something. I don't feel I should have to... thoughts? Opinions? Advice? Do you have joint or separate? Why? 

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