Am I overthinking?

This guy I've been seeing for like a month now has been very distant the past couple days. I work nights and he'll stay up as long as he can because he knows night shift for me is a little boring. The past couple days he barely texts me, we don't FT anymore, like we literally just spent Cinco de Mayo together and he spent the night and it was amazing. But ever since he had to go bartend for his mom's bf's show Saturday night it's like he completely switched. I try to text him things to make him laugh but it's like he's really ignoring me. I don't get it smh. We play iMessage games all the time and he always beats me lol last night he just let me win first chance he had and didn't even say anything but "good job". He told me he was tired earlier but when I said "Wow, it was that easy?! You really are tired huh?" Then he proceeds to say "I could have sworn I said that earlier". I wanna hit him up today like yo, are we good? Am I overthinking? Should I give him time or see what's going on?