Pregnant but doctor says "no"

Sharee • PCOS, Endometriosis, hyperhomocysteinemia. 1 ectopic, 2 miscarriages 3 years ttc and praying for our rainbow baby

Final update for everyone. I ended up having an early miscarriage. I ended up going to the ER about a week later because I was bleeding extremely heavy and in terrible pain. I ended up passing the fetus in the ER. I saw my family doctor a few days ago and have a new OB that I'm going to see next month. Sadly I don't want to try anymore in fear of losing another baby. This is our 3rd loss now in 3 years. We'll probably just start saving for <a href="">ivf</a> if we can ever be referred by someone. Getting pregnant only once a year to inevitabily lose it doesn't give me much hope or want to keep trying. I still want to thank everyone for their encouraging words.

Update: my hcg is at 15 but I'm starting to spot again as well as cramp. I don't think this baby is going to stick. I was supposed to be on progesterone but with my doctor already treating me like I wasn't pregnant she still hasn't filled my prescription.. I'm taking matters into my own hands and contacting a specialist. This is my 3rd loss. I had one after my ectopic kind of similar to this and ended up getting my period a week later. Which was the reason she was going to give me progesterone next time. I will be finding a new doctor and just pray next time I have a sticky little one. It just isn't meant to be for us yet.

I showed my doctor this test and she goes oh I'm sorry you aren't pregnant, the line has to be as dark as the test line. Uh excuse me??? The instructions clearly state if there is a line, then it means positive. So im currently taking labs to prove I'm pregnant. Once it shows positive I will come back to laugh at her in her face and find me a new obgyn. After going through an ectopic last year, you'd think she'd be happy for me. No she just wants to disprove me. At least the nurse gave me a big hug when I told her.