20 weeks with placenta previa.

I don't know who to talk to so I decided to find support from here. At 18 weeks I went to the hospital bc of bleeding and pain. The doctors told me that I was having a threatened miscarriage, I was put on bedrest and to see my doctor in the next couple of days. My doctor told me I have placenta previa, I honestly think I spaced out after that. I started reading up on it and it turns out this is scary. I became friends with another mom in the same situation but she didn't make it through surgery. I'm 20 weeks, 5days today and my next ultrasound is the 16th. The ultrasound won't be to see gender but to see if the placenta has moved any. My placenta has moved but it still looks like I may have to go through with the surgery process. I'm terrified. I'm 24 and I have have a little family that I love so much already, I'm afraid I will just be gone. 
I don't know who to talk to bc all of my friends are in that phase of ew children so I don't want to bother them with this stress but I feel alone. My husband works 10-12hr days so this talk doesn't come up bc I'm just so happy to see him. 
I just hope this is just another little bump in the road and I don't loose a tire.