work and nosy people lol is it just me?

Cheyenne ✊🏿
So I work in a school. I have two great friends that I hang out with at work. I don't really have much friends or deal with too much people but these two people have kinda stuck to me since I started working there, either way today over lunch one of them came to me and said "omg two people came to me asking if you were pregnant" (two people that work in the school that talks to her but I don't personally talk to) we all work on 3 different floors and I'm just like why are people so nosy like if you suspect something why can't you just wait for the belly to appear lol ? Like why must you be nosy especially if I don't talk to you and I've never spoken to you or had a conversation. you just want to be nosy. Honestly those who know me you wouldn't even know I'm pregnant unless I literally told you. I only gained about 8 pounds and I'm almost 6 months and I've always been a chunky girl but I literally haven't formed that "belly" that everyone has even though I know every woman is different. Maybe I'll gain more weight towards the end but my lovebug has been doing me fairly well. I do wear maternity pants here and there because it's more comfortable for me being that I work with kids all day. 
I guess the suspense is killing them 😒🙄
Am I wrong for feeling annoyed? Or am I annoyed just because I'm pregnant and moody? How would you feel? 
I always knew people were nosy but today really proved to me just how much people love other peoples business