bc after my baby

Devin • Proud mama of two beautiful girlies. Living in wny
So I had the mirena for two years before I got pregnant and hated it. I spotted for the first nine months having it, it gave me horrible cramps and heavier periods, and it poked my hubby. He really doesn't want me to go back to that after we have our little girl and I'm hesitant as well because I'm not sure it'll be any better then second time around. The pill makes my hormones a mess and doesn't mix well with my meds. Any suggestions? Do you think mirena will be better after my body has passed a baby? For the record I had only had my period for about a year before I got the mirena and it had always been light and irregular. I feel like my doc gave me a bad recommendation, like I wasn't physically mature enough to have that thing in me