ugh 😑 please comment

I had to stop my birth control due to health insurance mix ups back in February. I haven't had a period since march 23 and it lasted three-four days. I was hoping for my period in the middle of April but nothing for weeks upon weeks until I started randomly bleeding really heavy and it was clotted the last two days of April. Then it stopped. I have had headaches, my boobs hurt every now and then, cravings for food I don't normally eat at all. I get slightly sick from certain smells. Oh and A LOT, I mean A LOT  of indigestion and nausea. My doctor is booked until the beginning of July. I've taken three at home tests and one was defective and two were negative but those were before I started bleeding for those two random days. I don't know what to do until then because my insurance isn't accepted at a lot of places that I need to go and planned parenthood is closed by the time I get off work. Help?? I feel so off and not like myself right now.Â