Do I give in or stand my ground?

What do you do when your 15 month old refuses to eat what you put in front of her? She use to eat everything and anything. Now, she refuses to eat everything except for fruit, peppers, eggs, pasta, and bread. 
She will not eat any veggies except for the peppers and she will not eat meat whatsoever. Doctor said that it's a common thing at this age. 
My question to you guys is, do I make her a different meal every night instead of what we are having or do I put what we are having in front of her and if she refuses to eat it oh well? 
My husband tells me she will not go hungry. She will eventually eat when she's hungry. I think that giving her the food choices that she prefers will only cause a bug issue in the long run. Im not sure. 
What do you guys think? Anyone having the same issue!? Advice would be appreciated!