How is my baby almost 1?!

I'm having an emotional mama moment. All those sleepless nights, stressful days, never having more than 5 minutes to do anything for myself over the past year almost seem like distant memories. We've established a routine and seem to be in pretty good rhythm most days. I think with Mother's Day approaching and having a few hours of peace and quiet tonight has allowed me to reflect. And, I am now in tears. Where did my baby go? How did I ever wish those early newborn days away? I'm feeling guilty for the frustration I've felt and the tears I've shed because I was so exhausted and just wanted a moment to myself. I know those feelings are normal to have but those days I wished away, I want them back. Even for just a few minutes so I'm able to completely take in every second of the past year one more time. I can say I have enjoyed most of the days since she was born and I have soaked it all in but now that it's gone, I want more. And I know she's still very young and we (God willing) have so much more time ahead of us, I just want time to slow down. The love I have for my daughter grows more and more every single day and I'm more in love with her now than ever. I am going to be a sobbing, emotional basket case on her first birthday. Just needed to get that off my chest to other mamas that are also about to have their precious babies 1st birthday.