wet wax?

Beth • First time momma! Have a lovely little girl 💋 kaylee rose🌹 6/4/16
Took my daughter to the dr today because she's been running low grade fevers and tugging on her ears and she slept literally all day yesterday and last night and most of this morning which is highly unlike her to do. I took her two weeks ago for the same symptoms but I was told her ears looked good and it was most likely teething. But when she slept as much as she did that prompted me to call the office. They said she has wet wax which is the beginning to an ear infection and she has a virus, they prescribed ciprodax and Zyrtec. They said if she was taking a bath and got water in her ear that's probably the cause and the water just stayed in there. She just cut her third tooth so most of the symptoms ran similar to teething but I knew something wasn't right. And I had no idea wet wax was even a thing, I just thought it was war infection or no ear infection.