My boyfriend ignores messages

I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years, I'm 17 he's 16. He moved in with his dad because his mom was abusive. Shortly after, his phone broke. His family doesn't have the money to replace it so our only communication is through facebook on his school computer. However, he often goes off the grid and doesn't respond when I message him. No good mornings, no good nights. Even when I initiate them. I know that he's busy and that being on a computer means that he isn't always around to answer but when 24 hrs go bye without a peep, I get worried and really lonely. He lives 45 minutes away so I can't see him on the school days and hardly ever on the weekends. I know he loves me and I love him too but no communication is really starting to eat away at me. I've brought up him not answering before and he promises to message me at night and stuff but after a couple weeks, he stops. How do I bring this up again without hurting his feelings and also explaining why it's important to keep in touch with me?