got in a fight with a stranger today.

I had an altercation with a stranger today while I was grocery shopping. I parked and when shopping as usual. And when I came back there was this scratched up minivan parked really close to my brand new expensive SUV. My first thought is, oh no, they better not have him t my car with their door." Then I notice the driver is in the car. Now, I've had this happen to me a few times. Someone hits my car, I have to pay the full deductible myself, have my car in the shop for a week, have to fight with insurance about it, and my car value goes down because of it. I make a mental note to myself to check the car when I get in. As I'm loading my groceries, the lady drives off before I get a chance to look for damage. So I took a picture of her license plate just in case I need to make a claim. Well she sees me do it and comes back and starts yelling at me to delete the photo. I don't want to get in a fight so I explain to her how it looks and that I'm just trying to protect my self. She swears she didn't do anything so I need to delete my picture. I said I'll delete it if there's nothing wrong with the car. She waits for me to look. When I see the sat is fine, I get out the phone to delete it, but she's already on the phone with somone badmouthing me. So I tell her that if she's going to be so rude, then I'm not going to let her watch me delete it and she'll just have to take my word for it. Geez, she really pissed me off. So the moral of the story is, just be polite with people in the first place. There's no need to start yelling at people you don't know, especially when they're trying to be reasonable with you. Especially if they're pregnant!