Celebration! Medical marvel!

Rachael • Lost our miracle at 12 week after 7 years ttc 😢 and just lost our rainbow as it was ecptopic 💔

So i went to he emergency early pregnancy unit yesterday . . . AGAIN! All the staff were geared to explain my imminent miscarriage to me, after previous blood and scan results.

However in 24 hours, my bloods trippled (they had fallen two days before) and my scan found my lil sprout tucked in tight, with a yolk sack and a lil flickering heart beat! (Previous scans pointed towards possible eptopic and miscarriage when bloods taken into account and bleeds).

Needless to say the staff, my husband and I were shocked but extatic!

Hardest 24 hour of my life, BUT NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!

Had to share, for all the other mums in turmoil because their lil babe isnt playing ball. X x x