Mattis has arrived đź’™

My May 25th baby arrived yesterday, May 19th at 2:50pm weighing in at 8lbs 8oz and 20in long. 
I went into active labor at about 7am (confirmed by triage doc) after laboring around the hospital for 4 hours. I was progressing the whole time but slowly. 
Put into a birth room at 7:50 and the fun began; nurses in and out taking vitals, getting labs done, answering all the medical questions and waiting for the anesthesiologist to administer my epidural (which happened at about 9am)
I got a nap from about 9:30-12:15 and I was woken up by the most intense contractions I've ever felt in my life, to which I pressed my magical epidural button and...NOTHING. 
I was officially in natural labor from 12:14-2:00pm and can I say that it was the most body breaking experience. I cried and cried through every contraction. My husband let me squeeze and claw his arm to my hearts contrnt but there was no relief. Finally they gave me some IV medication to help me as I still had some cervix left to efface and that lasted until 2:45. 
I started to sweat and feel nauseous; I needed to be sick and my contractions were back in full force. My doctor came in and checked me: my son was birthing himself! I pushed 2 times and he was out. 
My birth was NOTHING like I had planned and nothing like my daughters birth. But he's here and he's healthy. 
We found out after his head to toe assessment that he has a chordee and that his urologist will have to deal with that when he's 6 months old, but I can live with that. He's healthy and I can sleep on my stomach 🙌🏼 everyone is happy.
I shared my story as a caution; not every birth will go as planned but you'll do just fine. Don't get discouraged, even if you have to cry through every contraction just know you can make it to the end.