Saying im too small?

Ok i am 36w1d and every time i go to my moms billding to pick her up all the old ladys(same old lady's) ask me when im due and i tell them next month and every time they always says you don't even look pregnant! And im thinking what the hell do you think this enormous thing infrunt of me is? Well today i took my son over to grandma's and they said the same thing they always do. then go on to ask is your baby just realy small or somthing? Then start asking all these weird questions about why am i so small still like is somthimg wrong. Buy the way i dont know these women! So i told them no he is actuly much larger then he should be in more of a irritated tone am walked up stairs. It made me mad that they started going on lile that like somthing has to be wrong with my kid! Every one carries difrent!