May 16th

Kristina • Hi y'all, Im a FTM pregnant with my rainbow baby 😍 due May 21st can't wait to meet him 💙
May 16th my life changed forever! I went in on May 15th at 5:30 starting my induction process at 7 in the morning, due to swelling and my teeter tottering bp and him measuring so large already they decided it was best for induction, I was 39 weeks and 1 day. I was so excited! 
  When we got there I was already having consistent contractions 2 minutes apart on my own so I thought this should be a breeze. I was wrong. I finally hit 4 cm after 24 hours and as hard as I was trying to do natural it hurt way too much so the anathestologist came in and gave me an epidural, which lasted not very long. 
    After 36 long hours, my contractions were the same the nurse came to check I wasn't progressing... then not even an hour later I felt the need to push, my contractions got closer and closer. The nurse checked she says oh my you're at 8cm and 100%, keep going mama, in about 2 hours you'll be ready! I looked at her like she was crazy 2 hours?! I'm in pain! Thai epidural sucks!!! 
    Then, 3 nurses fly in and flip me to my side attach a thing to babies head to get his heart rate... they couldn't find it. My heart turned upside down... they have to get me back to the or a mask is put on my face and the cap on my head... they bolted me out the door, I was losing consciousness and he wasn't breathing due to his cord being pinched against my pelvis. They tested to make sure I couldn't feel but I felt the push on my belly so they put me under.... they had to assist my baby in breathing when he came out and I didn't see him until 3 hours later but he's here now and healthy! 6:01 pm my life was turned around, welcoming Colton Alexander 8lbs 15oz and 20 1/2 inches long, my heart, my world 💙