Early warning signs-my experience!


When I was still TTC all I wanted was a post like this. I found out I was only 4 weeks so concieved 2 weeks ago on May 20th. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, I just want to share my early symptoms because only last month I was one of the people wondering if my period symtons were pregnancy ones!

So here it is my super early signs-

1) I felt knackered- not just tired but physically exhausted. I work in a nursery and I couldnt even manage an hour stood still in the garden. Kinda is combined with general achiness too kinda like the flu aches. This started about 5 days before my due period.

2) Spotting- this I guess was implantation bleeding. This happened about 2 days before my due period. TMI- it was brown with one drop of red when I wiped once and it ended on the day my period was due.

3) Gassy- had a lot of general grumblings and rumblings in my stomach and feeling lots of general movement going on if you know what I mean.

4) completely off food one second then starving the next. No food cravings in particular tho.

5) Sore boobs- kind of felt like period soreness to begin with but as it progressed it was far more round the sides of my boobs than the nipples. This was the week leading to due period and now continued.

6) Fuzzy head- had a general headache and felt almost a congested feeling but in the top of my head if u can understand what I mean.

7) Bloated- started to feel what felt like period bloating about 1week leading up to my period due day and it has continued.

8) Brain- this is the biggest change I've felt so far! My brain is feeling like it's functioning at about 50%! It's ridiculous and a real thing! The day after my due period day, I made mistakes at work I never make, couldn't and still can't get my words out and feel like I just can't work anything out in the way I could!

9) Emotional- this really didn't take effect till the day I got my positive so two days after my due period! To be fair the whole experience is quite overwhelming so it still may not be hormone related although my partner thinks it is! Apparently Ive been more snappy in the last week than usual!

Thats it really, as a summary you just do feel different this time in a way I can't really explain other than the symtons listed above!

I really hope this post can help someone!!

Babydust to all you wonderful women and don't give up! We were 18 months trying and it happened out of the blue! No technique no counting or tracking just never gave up!

So much love to you all!! Xxxxxx