More than exhausted!

Baby is 11 weeks old, and I feel being a mom is getting harder with time. First, baby would sleep and eat, and we'll have tummy time, everything was perfect.

Now, he's so clingy, sleeps like 30 minutes on his own (he sleeps more if he's on your chest or arms). I'm exhausted. He's drained all my energy and willingness to do things. I just want him to sleep so that I can sleep.

I've been crying a lot of desperation because we've created a little monster.

Sleep deprivation is no joke. Maybe I'm over exaggerating, and everything seems worse because of my lack of sleep. I don't know.

Breastfeeding is killing me... Everyone says things will get better/easier, and I wish I could see that! I don't think I'll look back and miss these days, as many people say you do.