Military spouses

Paris • 22. Happily married. Army wife. And proud lesbian. TTC baby #2
So my wife is active duty army. We just recently PCSed to San Antonio, Texas and I honestly hate it here. I'm from the Baltimore/Washington DC area and miss it terrible. It's just so different here in San Antonio. Maybe it's because this is my first time leaving the east coast. It's so bad I even miss our little apartment lol, crazy right?. I can tell that I'm starting to get depressed. Everyday I wish she would get orders to go back. I definitely understand I knew what I was getting myself into by moving here but I can tell it's starting to cause problems in our marriage. Back home we were constantly out, if it was with friends or family or even just ourselves. My mom helped us ton with our daughter, when I work my mom would get her from the sitters and even keep her on weekends( they have a inseparable bond). We have no help here, no family, barely any friends. Here it's basically work during the week and then just sit at home on the weekends unless we have to go to the market or I'm taking DD to the movies. 
I just don't know what to do, how not to feel like this. Have you ever experienced this? What helped? Did you get over it?