sex with another mister ....

Okay so I lost my fiancé of four years in feb. after that I forced myself into a relationship which ended badly and the friend that was by my side for that is now my new boo.... sex isss ummm it's sex.... but lately I've been talking to a guy I haven't seen since high school... we texted a lot but never really met up... well we met up 3 times so far and today idk what happened but sex ended up happening... mind blowing bomb ass sex!! That I haven't had in almost 3 months (from my fiance) keep in mind I've only slept with 3 guys all together.... and this has to Be the best... but he's going back to work Tuesday for 28 days and I'm starting to have this feeling of missing him and being with him and I'm starting to want something with him..... now idk if it was just the great sex and me not being in an relationship when I've been in one for 4years and this is all new to me or is it real feelings..... like how do I handle this situation..... plus we both plan on having way more sex!!