Prayers... am I asking too much?

Hi ladies! I've been TTC #1 for 20 months now and still no luck. Found an issue with DH sperm, and we've tried just about everything we can to try and correct it. (I'm also still not sure if everything is 100% with me - only thing I've checked is thyroid and that came out normal). Through it all though I've just been praying that God pulls through for us in His unimaginable ways, and turns the impossible into possible and the no's into yes's the way that we know He can. I've prayed that He can replace all this sadness, pain and confusion with His all of His goodness, and bless us with a baby. I know it can only come from Him and I've prayed that He chooses us. I'm still praying.. but, it's DH birthday next month and for the longest time I've pictured announcing to him on his birthday that we are pregnant. Even before we ever truly realized that there was a problem, (maybe 3 months TTC) I had always just thought of this time as the perfect time to announce my pregnancy to him. I know it's a bit superficial, because after trying for almost 2 years I literally could announce on any day and at any time because that's how happy that blessing would make me. I don't think I would even have time to plan all these cute announcements some ladies do because I would just be too shocked it's happened. But still, now that his birthday is coming up I can't help but feel those feelings yet again of hoping to give him this great birthday present. So my prayer has sort of changed.. I'm praying now that the Lord blesses us THIS month so that I can conceive and tell DH on his birthday that he is going to be a father. This has been my prayer the whole month of May. Every morning I wake up, every time I think of it and every time before I go to bed, I pray that I have conceived this month (AF due around the 2nd of June, I'm about 6dpo today) so that I can tell DH we've been blessed to become parents and we can celebrate Father's Day knowing he will be a father. This is the cry of my heart.. 
Is this being too much to pray this way? I've been steadfast, choosing to be like Hannah and to not cease praying, but is this not actually putting my faith in God and in His timing when I pray this way? I'm being specific in the thing I'm asking and believing for, which I heard is good, but to what extent? I don't want to disappoint God or be disappointed (as I already feel like I'm out this month, everything is as it's been the previous failed cycles 😢). I ultimately want God to just be at the centre of it all - my conception, my pregnancy, my birth and raising the children He blessed us with, but I heard that when God asks you what you want you should tell him, and believe that it is yours. So this month I still despite the odds want to pray for this May conception and June celebration. 
Would love to hear your thoughts on this type of prayer pattern, has it worked for anyone? And if you can please join me in prayer and please if you would like, leave any prayer requests so that I can join you in prayer too. Let's all call God to be with us now... 🙌🏾🙏🏽🙌🏾🙏🏽