I feel free?

So my boyfriend sort of broke up with me yesterday. Literally no fucking clue he was planning it. We were fine. Before he left when i asked if we were broken up he said he didnt know. Im going to talk to him tonight. But im pretty sure we're breaking up. Of course when i think about it, i cry and fucking lose it. But also, i feel a sense of freedom. Like i felt as though i was settling. I love him more than anything of course. Told him that last night. He said nothing. I feel like the almost two years we were together was faked. I just dont really know how ti feel right now. My chhest physically aches and i hate that. But im also kind of feeling fine. I know i wont be able to sleep anytime soon as i only got like 4 hours maybe last night. I just am trying to feel better. I know when i see him that ill break down and i dont want to. But all i want to know is why. He planned it, i can tell. But just the night before we went on a date and everything felt fine. Im just confused on how to feel right now. Im 18 btw. First boyfriend, first everything, first relationship. Please help