Is she a bad friend? Thoughts/opinions please

*I never confronted this "friend" about either of the two situations below but everyone I told that I know personally or know her thinks it's very weird/she's not a good friend. I want to cut her off for a number of other reasons as well, but the screenshotting has me creeped out and worries me that she may have personal stuff I told her long ago saved.*
My friend and I were talking about our majors the other night and she said that I said mine isn't that great, which was something we used to joke about since many peope hate accounting. Believe me, I LOVE my major. This was at least 3 years ago that we joked about this. She got defensive when I said I never said that and then today she sends me an old screen shot of this text convo from at least 3+ years ago! I could tell it was the very old IOS software, meaning that she had it saved all this time. It was such an insignificant conversation just joking around I don't understand why she would screen shot it let alone save it all this time?? Which leads to my question, do you think she could be saving a lot of what I say? Personal stuff, secrets, shit talking??
So I used to like this guy and we began talking more/getting closer. My friend knew I liked him but I usually didn't bring him up since I feel she has jealousy issues. One day she asked if I still liked him so I explained that I did and also told her about how we were talking more and he invited me out for his bday. A few weeks, later he got into a relationship and since I don't have social media, a different friend showed me. I saw that my friend liked the status/pics of them so I know she knows he now has a gf. My problem is that it's been months now and she's never told me. I don't feel that's being a good friend at all. Randomly the other night she asked if I ever met his gf, which I said yes, but that was it. Since she's two years younger than us she made a comment about him liking the young ones or something like that and it kinda annoyed me considering she knew how I really liked him, yet she never told me and just joked about his gf the other night. What do you think about this situation? Thanks so much again for listening:)