TTC #2 while EBF advice please?

Hey mamas, 
I am still EBF my 8 month old, but introduced solids a few times a day when he was almost 7 months. I am still nursing him throughout the night as he wakes up a few times. My period hasn't returned yet. My doctor said there is only a 7 day chance of conceiving when EBF without a period, so if I want to TTC I need to wean baby and hopefully within a few months my period will return. 
We want to start TTC for baby # 2  (I'm 33 yrs old, 1 precious miscarriage before my 9 month old), and I'm wondering if I should start using an ovulation kit to track my ovulation, or if that would be pointless without a period? I used an ovulation kit to conceive our 8 month old. Would it be okay to start to see if I'm even ovulating or a waste of money? And how long did it take for your period to return when EBF, did you just need to wean off night feedings, or completely? Would you advise I need to seriously start weaning to TTC? 
Thank you so much! This has been weighing heavily on my mind