can anyone give me some very needed advice to over come this ? 😭

So like my life is so dull compared to everyone else it seems. To give you an insider I am a sophomore in college, a college I don't even want to be at I wanted to transfer but my parents were aganist it and my boyfriend wanted me to stay for our relationship but the thing is he gradutes in 2018 and he plans to leave to pursue his dream in the NFL since there are no teams in Alabama. Leave me here alone for 2 years at first he told me he would stay but now he says he has no choice to go. I also feel like our relationship is changing, I have a feeling he isn't being faithful. But I ask him and he says he is. I try to tell myself what's he does in dark will be revealed in the light soon and not to worry. But I have a constant fear that something horrible will be revealed. I love this boy to death. Like I'm so scared to lose him. But I don't wanna be played I used to stalk his Facebook since we aren't friends on there but I have deleted the app cause it just makes me think more negative things. To add on I'm trying my hardest to find a job so I can get and apartment but I can't find one. Well I had this most amazing job in the palm on my hand but my parent made me give it up because the location was to far. I pray and pray and I feel better for a few hours but then I began thinking about my life then I become sad all over again. My parents aren't really the type to listen when I'm sad they just tell me to pray and get over it. I feel like I am just taking up space.The bad thing is I have many things people wish they Could have Some portray me as "spoiled" because my parent will get me anything I ask for. But only if people knew I would give everything I own to be happy, to feel better than I do. TBH i envy some of the homeless people because all though they have nothing they have something I don't and that's happiness...I dread my life. I try my hardest to make the best but I just wish death would come my way faster....