
Not sure if I'm PMSing or going to get a BFP.
I've been having (MAJOR) mood swings and been crying at literally anything and everything. (I'm not a crier). 
My breasts have been sore for forever it seems, and my nipples are really sensitive. Not sore, per se, just really really sensitive, almost ticklish. 
A couple weeks back had some pink spotting.
Soft cervix although not sure exactly what position its at or how to know if it's closed or open. (Never really checked before). 
Started having a little cramping today and back pain, as well as headaches the past week. I'm talking a headache every day, all day long. 
Taking naps some days, others I just go on with my day exhausted and hungry. 
No BFP yet. 
Had a chemical last year so don't want to get my hopes up but it feels like last time. 
Opinions please!