When should I start my period?

I had the operation Wednesday 19th April to remove the tube as I had an ectopic pregnancy the day before my operation I had the methotraxate injection and I also had my first i injection two weeks before so I had two the doses. There's more about that story on my page. I bled for about a day and a half affer my operation but just tiny amounts.
I was wondering when will I actually start my period? My cycle was usually 31 days/30 days and now I don't have a clue. I woke up this morning went for a wee to see pale like blood as I wiped and a drop if that in the toilet(sorry for the details) as I was curious, I kept wiping and thought shit am I gona start my period? I did the I have no tampons trick with tissue, went to the shop to grab tampons to come back to check no bleed? I put a tampon there anywhere but my belly does feel weird like I might get period pains but I don't know if its in my head now that I've see the blood? What should I do or should I be worried?