Do you judge parents whose kids have rotten teeth?


And im talking about kids around 8 and younger. Yesterday I was going to a well checkup for my 2 month old. In the check in line there was a girl who was obviously sick and she kept trying to touch my baby. I told her not to do that because she's a baby and she could get very sick. (Mom wasn't paying attention.) the little girl smiled and asked me if I was "the baby's" mom. I told her yes and we had a conversation but I couldn't help but notice her teeth were very brown and rotten. Like they looked like they needed silver caps or to be pulled or something. It was obvious this girl doesn't have regular visits BC no dentist would let a kid walk out of the office like that.

I know she had Medicaid because I seen her mom give the insurance card to the front desk lady.

I immediately started judging the mom for her kids teeth. Like the dentist is right next door to the pediatrician. This girl looks like she has been dealing with her teeth being this way for at least a year. There's no way her teeth got like that in 6 months.

So my question, do you judge parents whose kids have bad teeth?

Personally in this situation I wanted to tell that mom my thoughts because it kinda upset me for the poor kid. But it isnt my place.

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