Ovulation test question....HELP!!!!!

My husband and I are ttc and I've been taking ovulation tests. I have been using the clear blue advanced digital ovulation test. There are three results you can get. One is just a blank circle which means you aren't ovulating, one is a blinking smiley face which means you are at a a high probability for getting pregnant and the other is a steady smiley face which means you are at your peak. According to the test it is supposed to pin point your 4 most fertile days. I've gotten the blinking smiley face for 4 days in a row! Supposildy you are only supposed to get the blinking smiley face for 2 days and then have the steady smiley face. Has anyone had this happen?? I'm really confused and don't understand why I haven't reached my peak ovulation yet....according to the test. HELP!!!!