Doing this alone *VENTING*

So for months I battled whether I should keep this pregnancy and by faith God made me aware that I was meant to have this baby. After 3 miscarriages, I'm finally able to be a mom to two. But this pregnancy wasn't all that easy. My daughters father which is the same father I conceived with, is indecisive of what he wants one minutes he wants to be there the next minute he doesn't want another baby. He wanted me to get an abortion and then he didn't. Now that it's almost time that baby will be here, he says i should've thought about it. How do I have a daughter with him and he doesn't want to be a father to our son that's on the way?? He's so set with not being in his life. His family doesn't even know I'm pregnant and out of respect I believe his mother should know whether he chooses to be there or not. He told me he's not missing work for when i go in labor and the days he's off and i happen to be in labor he will stay with our daughter.. My son will have my last name for a fact, it just kills me that my son won't have a father and my daughter does and it's the same father. How do I drop my daughter off to grandmas and my son has to stay behind?