Taking the bottle away at night! Help!

Quick question for all of my April '16 mommies! 
We've been successful in having no bottles during the day for about two weeks now. The only time little gets a bottle (whether it be milk or juice) is when he is going down for a nap or going down to sleep at night. 
We do-slept until 5 months when we moved in our new house and I decided it was best for him to be in his own bed. He's slept all through the night ever since. However, the bottle is what has been his security blanket. 
He puts himself to sleep with the bottle with no crying and stays asleep all night for about 13-14 hours. We are on a pretty good routine with bedtimes and naps during the day. 
The bottom line is...the bottle has to go. Period! 
Any suggestions on this? He isn't one who wants mommy to rock him to sleep. He wants his own personal space but has to have the bottle to peacefully go to sleep.