Getting Tested !

Something I advise all woman to do , along with pep smear (when necessary) due to the recent studies showing that receiving them requently can cause more damage than good. But back to the testing I highly recommend it. I know it can be nerve raking and stressful upon waiting results, as was I first time getting one done for the simple fact that you never know. In addition to protection not being fully 100%. But the feeling you receive once you receive the call that you are good and clear .. Is so great ! I also want to add never as a woman be afraid to ask a partner to get tested before having sexual relations .. And if you have trouble on how to approach him .. Just simply bring it up , make it a couple thing , assure him that you have done it before or that it isn't that bad and bring up how beneficial it is along with assuring. If he can't understand that .. And choose not to don't be afraid to choose not to have sexual relations with him .. Testing can only be beneficial to the BOTH of you.