can someone please tweak?? vvfl?

Y'all either I'm going crazy and seeing a second line - faint of course but I'm not sure if I'm seeing stuff or not. As I type this I'm feeling very nauseous and my boobs are hurting with light cramping. I believe I had implantation bleeding 2 days ago. I took this test this morning g but now with FMU. I thought I saw a second line a vvfl but I wasn't sure so o took the test part to get a better look at it. Please tell me if y'all see anything. I'm only 8dpo, I know it's early so I'm not sure. But I really thought I saw another line. Please let me know if y'all see anything. These pictures were taken 3 minutes after. I also went and took a picture of it 30 minutes after just so I could see the difference and I know 30 minutes after is out of the time so I wanted to see if I was just seeing stuff or what. All of these photos are taken 3 minutes after. The bottom 2 photos were taken about 30ish minutes later. I just wanted to see if the line would get darker. Please just help me out ha