ways to induce labor at home

Nothing extreme like drinking castor oil! Just some simple things like spicy food, Alex.. etc. did anything work for you? 
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Try evening primrose. Oral and whoha 3 times a day. Or two capsules orally if you don't want to go "there" lol. It helps soften your cervix and the softening in courages dilation that leads to contractions and labor. 


Ce • May 29, 2017
It's a tiny little capsule you'd insert. Your body heat melts it. It's so small you won't even feel it. Wear a liner if you're going to be standing after you insert it though.


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I've heard dates, pineapple (but apparently it's the core that does the trick, so add it to smoothies), spicy food, walking and lots of sex! Apparently, seven helps thin out your uterus. Cervadil, which they often give during induction, is made of animal semen! 😵😵 I'd rather have my husband's! Good luck!


C • Jun 2, 2017
My friend ate a box of pineapples from Trader Joe's and her water broke a few hours later


Taya • May 30, 2017
Oh my goodness, sorry. I've heard multiple opinions on eating those things. It can't hurt to try, and even if they don't induce labor, they could at least make it easier. It's not an exact science.


Hi • May 27, 2017
Pineapple core is for fertility


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