An Ode to the Women of Glow

I envy my husband and his blissful ignorance 
I envy him for not waking at 2, 3, 4, and 5 o'clock every morning because his psyche is so aware that he needs to chart his basal body temperature that it interrupts his sleep to do so. 
I envy him for not having to reach inside himself for mucus samples to study in work bathrooms and for all of the time he doesn't lose pondering what an open cervix actually feels like. 
I envy him for his vocabulary not containing words like triphasic and initials like "BBT" and "IB".
I envy him for all of the time he doesn't lose repeatedly counting the days on his chart as if his DPO will change, and the hours he doesn't spend wondering if every twinge and ache and "funny feeling" is actually a symptom of early pregnancy, confirmed by countless internet searches (so it must be true).
I just envy him. 
But most of all, I'm in awe of the women on here that don't give up. The ones that cry when that uninvited bitch of an aunt shows month after month and still show up the next month to try again. 
Here's to you ladies! If I weren't on my 2ww, I'd raise my glass to you! Cheers and baby dust